Publications, etc.


2013 Negotiated Settlements: Andean Communities and Landscapes under Inka and Spanish Colonialism. University Press of Florida. (Society for American Archaeology Book Award, 2015)

Online Edited Publications

GeoPACHA: Geospatial Platform for Andean Culture, History, and Archaeology. Steven A. Wernke and Parker VanValkenburgh, general editors.

LOGAR: Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region. Edited by Steven A. Wernke and Akira Saito.

Articles and Chapters

2023 “Large-Scale, Collaborative Imagery Survey in Archaeology: The Geospatial Platform for Andean Culture, History, and Archaeology (GeoPACHA).” Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, James Zimmer-Dauphinee, Bethany Whitlock, Giles Spence Morrow, Ryan Smith, Douglas Smit, Grecia Roque Ortega, Kevin Ricci Jara, Daniel Plekhov, Gabriela Oré Menéndez, Scotti M. Norman, Giancarlo Marcone, Manuel Mamani Calloapaza, Lauren E. Kohut, Carla Hernández Garavito, Sofía Chacaltana-Cortéz, Elizabeth N. Arkush. 2023. Antiquity.

2023 “A New View of Hillforts in the Andes: Expanding Coverage with Systematic Imagery Survey.” Arkush, Elizabeth, Lauren E. Kohut, Romuald Housse, Ryan D. Smith, Steven A. Wernke. Antiquity.

2023 “Late Pre-Hispanic Fog Oasis Settlements and Long-Term Human Occupation on the Peruvian Central Coast from Satellite Imagery.” Marcone, Giancarlo, Geraldine Huertas, James Zimmer-Dauphinee, Parker Van Valkenburgh, Justin Moat, Steven A. Wernke. Antiquity.

2023 “Augmenting Field Data with Archaeological Imagery Survey: Mapping Hilltop Fortifications on the North Coast of Peru.” Morrow, Giles Spence, Parker VanValkenburgh, Christopher Wai, Steven A. Wernke. Antiquity.

2023 “Managing Pastoral Landscapes: Remote Survey of Herding Infrastructure in Huancavelica, Peru.” Whitlock, Bethany, Parker Van Valkenburgh, Steven A. Wernke. Antiquity.

2023 “Eyes of the Machine: AI-Assisted Satellite Archaeological Survey in the Andes.” Zimmer-Dauphinee, James, Parker VanValkenburgh, Steven A. Wernke. Antiquity.

2023 “Thinking through the tool: collaborative archaeological bodywork in immersive virtual reality.” Giles Spence Morrow and Steven A. Wernke. Virtual Archaeology Review.

2023 “Counter-Mapping Maroon Cartographies: GIS and Anticolonial Modeling in St. Croix.” Justin Dunnavant, Steven A. Wernke, Lauren Kohut. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.

2023 “Characterizing residential mobility among people living with HIV in Tennessee and its impact on HIV care outcomes.” Aima A Ahonkhai, Aihua Bian, Natalie Robbins, Laurie A. Maurer, Kate Clouse, Leslie J. Pierce, Jessica M. Perkins. Steven A. Wernke, Bryan E. Shepherd, Meredith Brantley. AIDS. DOI:

2023 “Geographic Variation in Cardiac Rehabilitation Access.” Meredith S. Duncan, PhD, Natalie N. Robbins, PSM, Steven A. Wernke, PhD, Robert S. Greevy, PhD, Sandra L. Jackson, PhD, MPH, Alexis Beatty, MD, MAS,  Randal J. Thomas, MD, Mary A. Whooley, MD, Matthew S. Freiberg, MD,  Justin M. Bachmann, MD, MPH. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81(11):1049-1060. DOI:

2023 “Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Remote Sensing: Identifying Ancient Urbanization in the South-Central Andes.” Jiachen Xu, Junlin Guo, James Zimmer-Dauphinee, Quan Liu, Yuxuan Shi, Zuhayr Asad, D. Mitchell Wilkes, Parker VanValkenburgh, Steven A. Wernke, Yuankai Huo. International Journal of Remote Sensing 44(6):1922-1938. DOI:

2022 “Lithic Landscape Models and Hydraulic Imaginaries in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Stephen Berquist and Steven A. Wernke. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28(3):828-853.

2022 “Explosive expansion, sociotechnical diversity, and fragile sovereignty in the domain of the Inka.” Journal of Social Computing 3(1):57-74.

2021 “Linking Past and Present Land-use Histories in Southern Amazonas, Peru.” Daniel Plekhov, Parker VanValkenburgh, Paul Abrams, Amanda Cutler, Justin Han, Alexis Jair Reátegui Díaz, Bryn Sullivan, Steven A. Wernke. Remote Sensing 13(12):2274-2293.

2020 “Interregional Archaeology in the Age of Big Data: Building Online Collaborative Platforms for Virtual Survey in the Andes.” Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, and Akira Saito. Journal of Field Archaeology 45(S1):61-74.

2019 “Pathways through the Archaeology of Neighborhoods.” Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association: Neighborhoods from the Perspective of Anthropological Archaeology, edited by David Pacifico and Lise A Truex, , pp. 180-184.

2019 “Fragility of Vulnerable Institutions in Andean States,” by Tom D. Dillehay and Steven A. Wernke. In The Evolution of Fragility: Setting the Terms, edited by Norman Yoffee, pp. 9-23. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.

2018 “Early Colonial Evangelization, Resettlement, and Community Organization,” in Oxford Handbook of the Incas, edited by Sonia Alconini and R. Alan Covey. Oxford University Press.

2018 “Transformations: Evangelization, Resettlement, and Community Organization in the Early Viceroyalty of Peru.” The Oxford Handbook of the Incas, edited by Sonia Alconini and Alan Covey. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190219352.013.43

2017 “Spatial Hegemony and Evangelization: A Network-Based View of an Early Franciscan Doctrinal Settlement in Highland Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Lauren E. Kohut, in Religion, Space and the Atlantic World, edited by John Corrigan, pp. 155-179. University of South Carolina Press.

2017 “A GIS of Affordances: Movement and Visibility at a Planned Colonial Town in Highland Peru.” Steven A. Wernke, Lauren E. Kohut, and Abel Traslaviña. Journal of Archaeological Science 84:22-39.

2017 “La producción de poder en el entorno construido a través de la invasión española, Valle del Colca (Perú).” Boletín de Arqueología PUCP (Arqueología histórica en el Perú, Primera Parte, edited by Abel Traslaviña Arias, Zachary Chase, Parker VanValkenburgh, and Brendan J.M. Weaver) 20: 149-166.

2017 “Ejes de articulación: análisis de la red espacial de Qhapaq Ñan en el sur del Perú,” by Steven A. Wernke, Gabriela Oré Menéndez, Carla Hernández Garavito, Scotti M. Norman, Lauren E. Kohut, Lawrence Waller, Violetta Vylegzhanina, and Giancarlo Marcone Rosas. In Nuevas tendencias en el estudio de los caminos, edited by Sofía Chacaltana, Elizabeth Arkush, and Giancarlo Marcone, pp. 124-143. Ministerio de Cultura, Lima.

2017 “La producción y desestabilización del dominio colonial en el proceso reduccional en el Valle del Colca, Perú.” In Reducciones: la concentración forzada de las poblaciones indígenas en el virreinato del Perú, edited by Akira Saito and Claudia Rosas Lauro, pp. 387-437. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima.

2016 “Conversion and Persistence: Analysis of Faunal Remains from an Early Spanish Colonial Doctrinal Settlement in Highland Peru.” Susan D. deFrance, Steven A. Wernke, and Ashley E. Sharpe. Latin American Antiquity 27:300-317.

2016 “Beyond the Basemap: Multiscalar Survey through Aerial Photogrammetry in the Andes,” by Steven A. Wernke, Gabriela Oré, Carla Hernández, Aurelio Rodríguez, Abel Traslaviña, and Giancarlo Marcone. In Mobilizing the Past: Recent Approaches to Archaeological Fieldwork in the Digital Age, edited by Erin Walcek Averett, Jody M. Gordon, and Derek B. Counts, pp. 251-278. University of North Dakota Press.

2016 “Ordenando construcciones, construyendo orden: una perspectiva desde el studio de Mawchu Llacta, antigua reducción de Santa Cruz de Tute, en el Valle del Colca,” by Steven A. Wernke, Abel Traslaviña, y Gabriela Oré. In Actas del I Congreso Nacional de Arqueología (Vol. II), edited by Luis Jaime Castillo Butters and Glenda Escajadillo Gallegos, Vol. 2, pp. 179-189. Ministerio de Cultura, Lima, Peru.

2015 “Building Tension. Dilemmas of the Built Environment through Inka and Spanish Rule.” Tribus (Special Edition: Perspectives on the Inca, edited by Doris Kurella and Monica Barnes, edited by Monica Barnes, Inés de Castro, Javier Flores Espinoza, Doris Kurella, and Karline Noack):165-189.

2014 “Capturing Complexity: Toward an Integrated Low-Altitude Photogrammetry and Mobile Geographic Information System Archaeological Registry System,” by Steven A. Wernke, Julie A. Adams, and Eli R. Hooten. Advances in Archaeological Practice 2(3):190-206.

2014 “Nuevos avances en el estudio sobre las reducciones toledanas,” by Akira Saito, Claudio Rosas Lauro, Jeremy Ravi Mumford, Steven A. Wernke, Marina Zuloaga Rada, and Karen Spalding. Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 39(1):123-167.

2014 “De antiguas normas y viejas formas: Reflexiones desde la arqueología sobre la transformación del espacio público-ritual durante la colonia temprana en el valle del Colca,” by Abel Traslaviña and Steven A. Wernke. In Patrimonio, Identidad, y Memoria, edited by Sandra Negro. Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima.

2013 “Andean Households in Transition: The Politics of Domestic Space at an Early Colonial Doctrina in the Peruvian Highlands.” In Decolonizing Indigenous Histories: Exploring Prehistoric / Colonial Transitions in Archaeology, edited by Maxine Oland, Siobhan M. Hart, and Liam Frink. University of Arizona Press, pp. 77-101.

2012 “La transformación del espacio arquitectónico en una doctrina temprana en el Valle del Colca,” by Steven A. Wernke, Teddy Abel Traslaviña Arias, and Ericka Guerra Santander. In Arquitectura prehispánica tardía: construcción y poder en los Andes centrales, edited by Kevin Lane y Milton Luján Davila. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae.

2012 “Spatial Network Analysis of a Terminal Prehispanic and Early Colonial Settlement in Highland Peru.” Journal of Archaeological Science 39(4):1111-1122.

2011 “Convergences: Producing Early Colonial Hybridity at a Doctrina in Highland Peru.” In Enduring Conquests: Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas, edited by Matthew Liebmann and Melissa Murphy. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe.

2011 “Asentamiento, agricultura y pastoralismo durante el periodo Formativo en el valle del Colca, Perú.” (Settlement, agriculture and pastoralism during the Formative Period in the Colca Valley, Peru). Chungará 43(2):203-220.

2010 “On-Site Recording of Excavation Data Using Mobile GIS.” By Nicholas Tripcevich and Steven A. Wernke. Journal of Field Archaeology 35(4):380-397.

2010 “A Reduced Landscape: Toward a Multi-Causal Understanding of Historic Period Agricultural Deintensification in Highland Peru.” Journal of Latin American Geography 9(3):51-83.

2009 “Agriculture and Inequality in the Colonial Andes: A Simulation of Production and Consumption Using Administrative Documents,” by Steven A. Wernke and Thomas A. Whitmore. Human Ecology 37:421-440.

2009 “La interfaz política/medio-ambiental en el valle del Colca durante la época inkaica.” In Andes 7:587-614.

2007 “Analogy or Erasure? Dialectics of Religious Transformation in the Early Doctrinas of the Colca Valley, Peru.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 11(2):152-182.

2007 “Negotiating Community and Landscape in the Peruvian Andes: A Trans-Conquest View.” American Anthropologist 109(1):130-152.

2006 “The Politics of Community and Inka Statecraft in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Latin American Antiquity 17(7):177-208.

2006 “Collagua ‘Eco-logistics’: Intermediate Elites and Hybrid Community Structures in the Colca Valley, Peru.” In Intermediate Elites in Pre-Columbian States and Empires, edited by Christina M. Elson and R. Alan Covey, pp. 175-211.University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2006 “Comunidad e imperialismo: una visión arqueo-histórica del reino inkaico en Yanquecollaguas.” In Collaguas III: Yanquecollaguas, edited by David J. Robinson, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, pp. CXXV-CXLVI.

2006 Book review: An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru. Translated, introduced, and annotated by Ralph Bauer. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 11(2):502-504


2003 An Archaeo-History of Andean Community and Landscape: The Late Prehispanic and Early Colonial Colca Valley, Peru. Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (large file: 90mb)

Technical Reports

2017 Proyecto Arqueológico Tuti Antiguo. Fase V: excavaciones en el sitio arqueológico Mawchu Llacta. Steven A. Wernke, Gabriela de los Ríos, and Abel Traslaviña. Technical Report to the Ministry of Culture, Peru.

2016 Proyecto Arqueologico Tuti Antiguo. Fase IV: levantamiento y prospección de los sitios de Mawchu Llacta y Laiqa Laiqa. Steven A. Wernke and Gabriela Oré Menéndez. Technical Report to the Ministry of Culture, Peru.

2013 Proyecto Arqueologico Tuti Antiguo. Fase III: levantamiento y prospección de los sitios de Mawchu Llacta y Laiqa Laiqa. Steven A. Wernke and Gabriela Oré Menéndez. Technical Report to the Ministry of Culture, Peru.

2012 Proyecto Arqueológico Tuti Antiguo, Valle del Colca. Fase III: Levantamiento y prospección de los sitios de Mawchu Llacta y Laiqa Laiqa. Steven A. Wernke and Viviana Siveroni. Report to the Ministry of Culture, Peru.

2007 Proyecto Arqueológico Tuti Antiguo, Valle del Colca. Fase II: excavación en el sitio de Malata. Steven A. Wernke, and Ericka Guerra Santander. Technical Report to the National Institute of Culture (I.N.C.), Peru.

Presentations (a sampling)

2023 “Trans-Regional Agricultural Deintensification: An AI-Assisted Survey of Agricultural Infrastructure in the South-Central Andes.” James Zimmer-Dauphinee, Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh and Grecia Roque. Paper presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Portland, Oregon.

2023 “The Chaîne Opératoire Meets Colonial Transformations: A GIS Network Analysis of  Quicklime Production in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Samantha Turley, Steven A. Wernke and Manuel Mamani. Paper presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Portland, Oregon.

2022 “Spatial Data In the Age of COVID-19. Lessons learned in managing, serving, and teaching with public health data.” Stacy Curry-Johnson, Natalie Robbins, Steven A. Wernke. AutoCarto 2022.

2022 “GeoPACHA: An online platform for collaborative imagery-based survey in the Andes.” Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, Elizabeth Arkush, Sofia Chacaltana Cortez, Lauren E. Kohut, Manuel Mamani Calloapaza, Giancarlo Marcone Flores, Giles Morrow, Scotti Norman, Kevin Ricci Jara, Grecia Roque Ortega, Ryan Smith, Bethany Whitlock. Paper presented for the symposium Expanding scales of archaeological analysis through imagery-based survey in the Andes, organized by Steven A. Wernke and Parker VanValkenburgh, at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago.

2022 “Deploying GeoPACHA: An overview of results from stage one.”Parker VanValkenburgh, Steven A. Wernke, Elizabeth Arkush, Sofia Chacaltana Cortez, Lauren E. Kohut, Manuel Mamani Calloapaza, Giancarlo Marcone Flores, Giles Morrow, Scotti Norman, Kevin Ricci Jara, Grecia Roque Ortega, Ryan Smith, Bethany Whitlock. Paper presented for the symposium Expanding scales of archaeological analysis through imagery-based survey in the Andes, organized by Steven A. Wernke and Parker VanValkenburgh, at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago.          

2022 “Landscapes of conflict across the south-central Andes: an inter-regional view of hillfort distribution and variation through systematic imagery survey.”  Lauren E. Kohut, Ryan Smith, Elizabeth Arkush, Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented for the symposium Expanding scales of archaeological analysis through imagery-based survey in the Andes, organized by Steven A. Wernke and Parker VanValkenburgh, at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago.

2022 “Eyes of the machine: comparing automated and brute force satellite surveys in the Andes.” James Zimmer-Dauphinee, Parker VanValkenburgh, Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented for the symposium Expanding scales of archaeological analysis through imagery-based survey in the Andes, organized by Steven A. Wernke and Parker VanValkenburgh, at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago.

2021 “Autonomous Archaeological Survey in the Southern Peruvian Andes.” James Zimmer Dauphinee and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented for the session From artificial intelligence to stratigraphic reality. Dynamics of an inverse process for AI applications in archaeology, convened by Luigi Magnini. 2021 Computer Applications in Archaeology Conference, Limassol, Cyprus (virtual).

2021 “Thinking Through the Tool: Archaeological Body-Work in Immersive Virtual Reality,” by Giles Spence Morrow and Steven A. Wernke. Paper for the session Archaeology in the Digitocene Age: Discussing Critical Approaches, Onto-Ethics, and Policies of Digital Practices, organized by Kasper Jan Hanus, at EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) 2021, Kiel, Germany.

2021 “Modeling Marronage: Shifting Fugitivity Affordances on Colonial St. Croix,” by Justin Dunnavant, Lauren Kohut, and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented for the session Fugitivity as Method, organized by Alex Moulton and Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (Virtual).

2019  “Seeing like a neural network? Possibilities and predicaments of large scale virtual archaeological prospection,” Paper presented in the symposium Archaeological Vision in the Age of Big Data, organized by Andrew Dufton and Parker VanValkenburgh at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

2018 “LOGAR y GeoPACHA: herramientas digitales para perspectivas inter-regionales sobre Tawantinsuyu y el Virreinato del Perú,” by Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, and Akira Saito, presented at at the international symposium Un imperio, múltiples espacios: análisis espaciales en arqueología Inca, organized by Giancarlo Marcone and Steven A. Wernke, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Peru, Lima (August 1-2, 2018)

2018 “Tirado por las costuras: una microhistoria espacial de la dislocación de una reducción toledana”, presented in the symposium Nuevas miradas sobre las reducciones toledanas: hacia un diálogo interregional y multidiscilinario, organizd by Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke, at the International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca Spain.

2018 “LOGAR y GeoPACHA: logros y posibilidades de humanidades digitales para el estudio de la Reducción General de Indios”, by Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, and Akira Saito, presented in the symposium Nuevas miradas sobre las reducciones toledanas: hacia un diálogo interregional y multidiscilinario, organizd by Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke, at the International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca Spain.

2018 “Using Multispectral Drone Imagery for Identification of Prehispanic Agricultural Features,” by Gabriela Oré Menendez and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.

2018 “Historical Photogrammetry: Bringing a New Dimension to Historic Landscape Reconstruction,” by Abel Traslaviña, James Zimmer-Dauphinee, and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.

2018 “pXRF in the Colca Valley: Experimenting with a Nondestructive Chemical Discrimation of Ceramic Fragments.” Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.

2018 “LOGAR and GeoPACHA: Progress and Prospects of Collaborative Digital Humanities Tools for the Study of the Reducción General,” by Steven A. Wernke, Parker VanValkenburgh, and Akira Saito. Paper presented at the international symposium Unsettling Resettlement: Forced Concentration of the Native Population in the Colonial Andes, organized by Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke, Vanderbilt University.

2018 “The Death and Resurrection of Santa Cruz de Tuti, Peru.” Paper presented at the international symposium Unsettling Resettlement: Forced Concentration of the Native Population in the Colonial Andes, organized by Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke, Vanderbilt University.

2018 “Unsettling Resettlement.” Symposium summary commentary presented at the international symposium Unsettling Resettlement: Forced Concentration of the Native Population in the Colonial Andes, organized by Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke, Vanderbilt University, organized by Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke, Vanderbilt University.

2017 “Bound together, torn apart: a spatial archaeology and microhistory of forced resettlement in the colonial Andes.” Keynote lecture, Institute of Andean Studies, University of California, Berkeley.

2016 “LOGAR y GeoPACHA: avances en el desarrollo de herramientas digitales colaborativas para la investigación del mundo andino colonial”, by Steven A. Wernke and Parker VanValkenburgh. Paper presented at the international symposium Las reducciones toledanas en perspectiva comparativa y multidisciplinaria, organized by Akira Saito, National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore, La Paz, Bolivia.

2016 “Irreducible reducción: microhistoria arqueológica de una reducción toledana en el Valle del Colca, Perú,” by Steven A. Wernke and Abel Traslaviña Arias. Invited lecture for the international symposium Arqueología e historia urbana en la America moderna, Casa de Velázquez, Casa de América, and the Department of Architecture, Madrid Polytechnical University, Madrid, Spain.

2016 “Irreducible Reductions: The Spatial Politics of Forced Resettlement in the Colonial Andes.” Robert L. Stigler Lectures in Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas.

2016 “Construyendo orden, ordenando construcciones: el medio ambiente de un pueblo de indios en el virreinato del Perú,” by Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy R. Mumford. Invited lecture presented at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.

2016 Deep Mapping the Reducción: Building Digital Humanities Collaborative Tools for Mapping the General Resettlement of Indians in the Viceroyalty of Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Jeremy R. Mumford. Invited lecture presented at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan.

2015 “Paradoxes of Place Production at a Planned Colonial Town in Highland Peru.” Invited lecture presented the Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies, Cornell University.

2015 Podcast interview: RadioCIAMS, Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies, Cornell University.

2015 “Beyond the Basemap: Site and Landscape Survey through Low Altitude Aerial Photogrammetry and Mobile GIS in the Andes,” by Steven A. Wernke, Julie A. Adams, Eli Hooten, Gabriela Oré, Carla Hernández, and Aurelio Rodríguez, Giancarlo Marcone. Invited talk presented at the workshop Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future: the Potential of Digital Archaeology, organized by Erin Walcek Averett, Jody M. Gordon, Derek B. Counts, and Michael Toumazou. Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston.

2014 “Of Drones and Deep Maps: Archaeological Placemaking with Aerial Robots, Photogrammetry, and GIS,” by Steven A. Wernke, Julie A. Adams, Eli Hooten, Gabriela Oré, Carla Hernández, and Aurelio Rodríguez. Invited talk for THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology) conference, sponsored by the Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, hosted by the Curb Center for Art, Vanderbilt University.

2014 “Ejes de articulación: análisis de rutas de tránsito del Qhapaq Ñan en la región sur (Cuntisuyu-Qollasuyu),” Steven A. Wernke, Gabriela Oré Menéndez, Carla Hernández Garavito, Scotti M. Norman, Lawrence Waller, Lauren E. Kohut, and Augusto Cardona Rosas. Invited paper for the conference Nuevas tendencias en el estudio de los caminos, Ministry of Culture, Lima, Peru.

2014 “Building Tension: Dilemmas of the Built Environment during Inka and Spanish Rule.” Invited paper presented for the conference “New Perspectives on the Inka,” as part of the exhibit Inka: Könige der Anden, Linden Museum, Stuttgart, Germany.

2014 “Capturing Complexity: Toward an Integrated Low Altitude Orthomapping and Mobile GIS Archaeological Registry System.” Invited paper presented at the symposium Digital Domains: Remote Sensing of Past Human Landscapes, organized by Jason Hermmann, Neukom Institute, Dartmouth College.

2014 “Proyecto Arqueológico Tuti Antiguo, Valle del Colca: Levantamiento y prospección de la reducción toledana de Mawchu Llacta,” by Steven A. Wernke, Teddy Abel Traslaviña Arias, and Gabriela Oré. Paper presented at the First National Conference of Archaeology (I Congreso Nacional de Arqueología), Lima, Peru.

2014 “Paradoxes of Place and Power in a Planned Colonial Town in Highland Peru.” Paper presented in the symposium The Production of Power in the Colonial Andes, organized by Douglas Smit and Scotti Norman, at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas.

2014 “Time Maps: Site-Intensive Lichenometric Survey at a Planned Colonial Town in Highland Peru,” by Gabriela Oré Menéndez and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas.

2013 “Views From Above: Using UAVs and Mobile GIS to Map a Colonial Settlement in Highland Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Julie A. Adams. Poster presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

2013 “Called to Gather: Building and Dwelling in a Reducción in Highland Peru.” Invited lecture, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University.

2012 “Un orden improvisado: el emplazamiento y la construcción de una reducción en el Valle del Colca (Arequipa, Perú).” Invited lecture presented for the seminar series “La política de concentración poblacional y sus efectos sobre la sociedad indígena en los dominios españoles de sudamérica,” directed by Dr. Akira Saito (Ethnological Museum of Osaka), co-sponsored by the Programa de Estudios Andinos, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Lima, Peru.

2012 “Moving, Seeing, Dwelling: Toward an Archaeology of Spatial Practice in the Colonial Andes.” Invited lecture presented at the University of Illinois, Chicago.

2012 “Improvising Order at the Edge of Empire: Co-Colonization in the Peri-Historical Andes.” Paper presented in the symposium Living on the Edge: Local Entanglements in Global Perspective(s), organized by Amanda L. Logan and Kathryn J. Franklin, at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, Tennessee.

2011 “Spatial Hegemony and Domestic Practice: Varieties of Households at an Early Colonial Mission in the Colca Valley, Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Lauren E. Kohut. Paper presented in the symposium Domestic Responses, Challenges, and Cooperation in Andean State Development, organized by Kylie Quave and Maeve Skidmore, at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, California.

2011 “Foodways at Malata, an Early Doctrina in the Southern Peruvian Highlands,” by Lizette Muñoz, David Goldstein, and Steven A. Wernke. Poster presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley, California.

2010 “Colonial Placemaking: Remapping the Built Spaces of Everyday Life at an Early Doctrina in Highland Peru.” Paper presented in the symposium Beneath the Surface, Geospatial Technologies and Indigenous History, organized by George Milne. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory, Ottawa, Canada.

2010 “Senderos convergentes: transformaciones espaciales en una doctrina temprana en el Valle del Colca.” Paper presented at the Simposio Internacional de Arqueología Histórica, Lima, Peru.

2010 “Colonial Commonplaces: Household Archaeology at an Early Doctrinal Settlement in the Colca Valley, Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Ericka Guerra Santander. Paper presented in the symposium Recent Archaeological Investigations in Southern Perú: The Collesuyo Region of Arequipa, organized by Maria Lozada, at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.

2010 “From Pottery to Practice: A Contextual Ceramic Assemblage Analysis from an Inka Outpost and Early Colonial Mission in Highland Peru,” by Ronald Yim and Steven A. Wernke. Poster presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.

2010 “Convergent Paths: Placemaking at an Early Mission in the Highland Andes.” Invited lecture, Archaeology Workshop Series, Stanford Archaeology Center, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University.

2009 “Restructuring Space and Negotiating Place at an Early Mission in Highland Peru.” Paper presented in the symposium The Atlantic World in Space and Time: The Perspective of Spatial Humanities, organized by David Bodenhamer, at the 34th Annual Social Science History Association Meeting.

2009 “On a Mission: ‘Commonplace’ Archaeology at an Early Post-Conquest Doctrinal Settlement in the Peruvian Andes.” Taft Center invited lecture presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, Fall, 2009.

2009 “The Reconstruction of Community at Malata, a Provincial Inka Outpost and Early Mission Settlement in Highland Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Ericka Guerra Santander. Paper presented in the symposium Investigating Ritual and Domestic Spaces and Practices at an Early Colonial Mission in Highland Peru, organized by Steven A. Wernke, at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, Georgia.

2009 “Evangelización en los Andes: la construcción de una capilla y su ámbito arquitectónico en la doctrina de Malata, Peru,” by Saul Morales and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented in the symposium Investigating Ritual and Domestic Spaces and Practices at an Early Colonial Mission in Highland Peru, organized by Steven A. Wernke, at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, Georgia.

2008 “Households in Transition: Excavating Domestic Organization at an Early Colonial Mission in the Andean Highlands,” Paper presented at the symposium “Lost in Transition: Decolonizing Indigenous Histories at the Prehistoric / Colonial Intersection in Archaeology,” organized by Maxine Oland and Siobhan Hart, at the 2008 Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.

2008 “Convergences: The Origins of Colonial Hybridity at Early Mission Complexes in Highland Peru.” Paper to be presented at the School for Advanced Research (Formerly School of American Research), for the Short Seminar “The Archaeology of Indigenous Resistance to the Spanish Conquest,” organized by Matthew Liebmann and Melissa Murphy.

2008 “Excavating between the Lines: Textual Silences and Missionary Archaeology in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the symposium “Circa 1530: Integrating Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Andes,” organized by Joanne Pillsbury, at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, Canada.

2008 “A GIS-Based Simulation of Colonial Resettlement and Terrace Abandonment in the Colca Valley, Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke and Travis Williams. Poster to by presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, Canada.

2007 “Resistance or Persistence? Recycling Spaces and Revisiting Ancestors in the Early Missionary Settlements of the Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented in the symposium, “Archaeological Perspectives on Indigenous Resistance to Spanish Colonization in the New World,” Melissa Murphy and Matt Liebmann, organizers, at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas.

2007 “Productive Entanglements: The Spaces of Early Mission Settlements in the Colonial Andes.” Paper presented at the Spatial Americas Conference, University of California, Santa Barbara.

2007 “Agriculture and Inequality in the Colonial Andes: A Simulation of Production and Consumption Using Colonial Administrative Documents,” by Thomas A. Whitmore and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the Conference of Latin American Geographers, Colorado Springs, CO.

2006 “Taking Stock: Houses and Their Propertied Interests in the Colca Valley, Peru,” by Steven A. Wernke, Ericka Guerra Santander, and Thomas A. Whitmore. Presented in the symposium “New Perspectives in Andean Household Archaeology,” Donna Nash and Victor Pimentel, organizers, at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

2006 “Agricultural Land Holdings and Labor Demands in late Sixteenth Century and early Seventeenth Century Highland Peru,” by Thomas A. Whitmore and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, Illinois.

2005 “A Negotiated Settlement: Reducción and the Prehispanic Landscape in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the 24th Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Washington, DC.

2005 “La interfaz política/medio-ambiental en el valle del Colca durante la época inkaica y colonial.” Paper presented at the Simposio Internacional Sobre Arqueología del Area Sur Andina, Arequipa, Peru.

2005 “Remapping Authority and Community in the Reducciones of the Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, Utah.

2005 “Una reconstrucción del impacto del tributo colonial sobre la economía doméstica en el valle del Colca, Perú,” by Thomas A. Whitmore and Steven A Wernke. Paper presented at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Morelia, Mexico.

2005 “Reconstructing the Impact of Tribute on Domestic Economy in the Colonial Colca Valley, Peru,” by Thomas A. Whitmore and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the 101st Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, Colorado.

2004 “Mapping Ayllus: Land Tenure and Residence Patterns in the Late Prehispanic and Early Colonial Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the American Society for Ethnohistory Annual Conference, Chicago.

2004 “Inka Imperialism and Community Structures in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, Québec.

2004 “Agricultural Productivity, Demography, and Famine Risk in the late 16th C. and early 17th C. in the Colca Valley of Southern Highland Peru,” by Thomas A. Whitmore and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

2004 “Agricultural Productivity and Famine Risk in late Sixteenth Century and Early Seventeenth Century Highland Peru,” by Thomas A. Whitmore and Steven A. Wernke. Paper presented at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Antigua, Guatemala.

2002 “Eco-logistical Practice Over the Longue Durée: Intermediate Elites and Hybrid Community Structures in the Colca Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Denver, Colorado.

2002 “An Archaeo-History of Andean Community and Landscape.” Paper presented at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC.

2001 “A Reassessment of Collagua and Provincial Inka Ceramic Styles of Arequipa, Peru.” Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana.